IF YOUR GAME WON'T RUN.... Most problems are caused by your system's memory configuration. Try a different start up for your computer called Booting Clean. Booting this way often corrects freezing, most error messages, and erratic game play. This procedure is temporary and does not change your computer. You boot clean differently with DOS 5.0 and DOS 6.xx. BOOTING CLEAN WITH DOS 5.0 First create a Clean Boot diskette. Please note the following steps can only be done in drive A. Here's how you make this disk: 1 Insert the diskette in drive A:. 2 At the C:> prompt, type cd\DOS and press . 3 Type FORMAT A:/S . 4 When the format is done change to the A: drive. Type A: . 5 At the A:> prompt, type COPY CON CONFIG.SYS . 6 The cursor moves down a line. Type DOS=HIGH,UMB . 7 Type DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS . 8 Type DEVICE=C:\EMM386.EXE 2300 RAM D=64 . 9 Type FILES=40 . 10 Press the control and Z keys at the same time. Then press . A message appears that says "One File Copied." 11 Now type COPY CON AUTOEXEC.BAT . 12 Type PROMPT $P$G . 13 Type C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.COM . 14 Press the control and Z keys at the same time. Then press . 15 You have created the Clean Boot diskette. Keep the disk in drive A: Roboot your computer. 16 At the A: prompt type C: . Now play Battle Isle 2200! Note: Your computer might use a MOUSE.SYS file instead. You then should enter the correct MOUSE.SYS command line in the CONFIG.SYS. Check your hard drive's CONFIG.SYS file for the exact line. BOOTING CLEAN WITH DOS 6.xx Boot Clean directly from the keyboard. Here's how: 1 Reboot your computer. 2 When you see the message "STARTING MS-DOS" press your F8 key. 3 MS-DOS asks you to confirm each config.sys command. You give yes or no responses to each command line. 4 Say yes to only the following lines: DOS=HIGH, UMB DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\EMM386.EXE 2300 RAM D=64 FILES=40 5 Now load your mouse. Type CD\MOUSE . At the C:MOUSE> prompt type MOUSE again. 6 At the C:> prompt load in the Battle Isle 2200 demo! Note: If you have a third party memory manager like 386MAX or QEMM you should say yes to the equivelent command lines. However you may have problems using these managers. If the game still doesn't work after booting clean use Microsoft's EMM386. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR EMM386 Battle Isle 2200 requires the MS-DOS expanded memory manager. You can optimize the expanded memory Battle Isle needs. Edit your config.sys file. Change the EMM386 command line so it says this: DEVICE=C:\EMM386.EXE 2300 RAM D=64 This may solve problems like game lock ups and blank screens. CUSTOMER SERVICE IF YOU HAVE A MODEM.... Accolade gives customer service, news, demos, technical support, and other information on the following Online Services. ACCOLADE BBS-- (408) 296-8800, with settings of 8,N,1 and supports up to 14400 baud. 4 lines, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. AMERICA ONLINE-- Industry Connection, keyword: "Accolade", E-Mail address: Accolade. COMPUSERVE-- Game Publishers A Forum, type "GO GAMAPUB", E-Mail address: 76004,2132. INTERNET-- 76004.2132@compuserve.com, accolade@aol.com TECHNICAL HELP AND CUSTOMER SERVICE Telephone help is available Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM PST Time. Call (408) 246-8400 FAX (408) 246-0231 You may also write us at this address: Accolade c\o Customer Support 5300 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 500 San Jose, CA 95129